Monday 2/1

Filthy 50 February: Rugby Edition

Lift Back Squat 5 -3 -1

50 Box Jumps
100m run
50 G.I. Janes
100m run
50 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood)
100m run
50 Steps Walking Lunges
100m run
50 Knees to Elbows
100m run
50 Push Press 45lb Bar*
100m run w/bar
50 Good Mornings 45lb Bar*
100m run w/bar
50 Thrusters 45lb Bar*
100m run
50 Clapping Push-Ups
100m run
50 Double Unders
100m run

*For the set of three movements using a 45lb Bar, every time you set the bar down, you add 5 Burpees to the end of the workout.


Sunday 1/31


Lift - D.L. 5 -3 -1  Press 5 -3 -1

3 Kilometer Time Trial

Saturday 1/30

Rest Day/Game Day

Next Saturday is the Golden State Indoor Rowing Championships at the CSUS Aquatic Center.  Sign up, rowing is a great way to increase your power output!


Friday 1/29

(Thank God It's Front Squats!)

Lift 10RM Front Squat

Met Con - 5 Rds for time:
Run 600m
25 Thrusters 45lb
25 Box Jumps 24"


Thursday 1/28

Heavy Tabata

Tabata Deadlift 225lb - 20 sec on, 10 sec rest X 8

Tabata Front Squat 135lb - 20 sec on, 10 sec rest X 8

Tabata Push Press 45lb - 20 sec on, 10 sec rest X 8


Wednesday 1/27

Rest Day

The Haka

We all know the Haka is a tribute to New Zealand's native culture but what else does it do for them as a team?  Pre-game or workout rituals are important for consistent performance, mental focus and in the case of a Haka, team unity.  Now, you don't need to perform the Haka to get ready for your big game but what ritual do you have to ensure you are prepared mentally for the big game or just to make sure you hit your workout with the proper intensity and focus?

"Ka Mate"
Ringa pakia!
Slap the hands against the thighs!
Uma tiraha!
Puff out the chest.
Turi whatia!
Bend the knees!
Hope whai ake!
Let the hip follow!
Waewae takahia kia kino!
Stamp the feet as hard as you can!
Ka mate, ka mate
'I die, I die,
Ka ora' Ka ora'
'I live, 'I live,
Ka mate, ka mate
'I die, 'I die
Ka ora Ka ora "
'I live, 'I live,
Tēnei te tangata pūhuruhuru
This is the fierce, powerful man
Nāna i tiki mai whakawhiti te rā
...Who caused the sun to shine again for me
Upane... Upane
Up the ladder, Up the ladder
Upane Kaupane"
Up to the top
Whiti te rā,!
The sun shines!

Tuesday 1/26

Long Met-Con

Lift - Power Snatch:  Do 2 power snatches on the minute for 8 rounds, start at about 50% 1RM and work up to a solid 2RM by the last few rounds.

Met-Con: 10 Rounds for Time

5 D.L. 155lb, 3 Cleans 155lb, 1 Jerk 155lb, 10 Squats, 6 Push-Ups, 2 Burpees, Run 200m


Monday 1/25

Back Squat Day

Back Squat 1 - 10 - 1 - 20 - 1 - 30

1 Rep Max B.S. - 10 Rep Max B.S. - 1 Rep max - 20 Rep Max, etc.

Sunday 1/24

Tabata Run

Lift - Find your Deadlift 10 Rep Max, Press 10 Rep Max

Met Con - Tabata Run, the Tabata interval is 20 sec max intensity effort followed by 10 sec rest.  Normally, 8 cycles of this interval are performed but today we will be doubling that to 16 for a total of 8 minutes of work/rest.

On each 20 sec "on" cycle, run as far/as hard as you can.  During the 10 sec rest periods, rest completely.  Score this by writing down total distance traveled in meters and also your low score/round where you covered the least amount of distance.


Friday 1/22


Over Head Press 3-3-3

Weighted Pull-up 3-3-3

Alternate between sets of pull-ups and Press.


Thursday 1/21

40m Day

Lift- B.S. 3X3 B.P. 3X3

Met-Con - Run 40m sprint 20 times.

Mark out your 40 distance, with cones or on a football field.  Start every 40 in the three point stance.  Every 30 seconds, you run a 40 so you will run your last 40 when the clock is at 9 minutes 30 seconds.

Wednesday 1/20

Rest Day


Tuesday 1/19


Lift - Spend no more than 30 mins working up to a 1RM snatch and then no more than 30 Mins working up to a 1RM Clean & Jerk

AMRAP:  12 minutes to complete as many rounds as possible of 

3 DL @315
6 Burpees
9 Sit-Ups


Sunday 1/17

Sorry guys, I'm on vacation in Seattle and I forgot to post an update today.  Hope you enjoyed the football/extra rest day.  We will continue tomorrow (monday, 1/18...) with another rest day keeping our work/rest schedule on track for game days.



Friday 1/15

Thruster Shuttle

Lift - 3X  3 Press, 3 Push Press, 3 Push/Split Jerk

Thruster/Shuttle A.K.A. Bring your barbell to the park day

20-14-8 Thrusters/10M shuttle runs

Set up cones 10M apart

Place 95lb barbell (or 2 45lb dumbbells) at one cone.

Do thrusters, then run back and forth between cones same amount of times as thruster: First round, do 20 thrusters then run a total of 200M worth of 10M shuttle runs.

Food For Thought

Hey ruggers, you like beer, this is a fact.  Just remember, that in addition to giving you a big dose of gluten it also can have a fair amount of calories.  Trivia Q:What is the only spirit that is naturally gluten free? 

1. Samuel Adams Triple Bock: 340 calories. Equivalent to a McDonald's caramel sundae.
2. Sierra Nevada Bigfoot: 330 calories. Equivalent to a Burger King cheeseburger.
3. Flying Dog Horn Dog: 314 calories. Equivalent to an 8 oz steak.
4. Sierra Nevada India Pale Ale: 231 calories. Equivalent to a medium order of McDonald's french fries.
5. Sierra Nevada Stout: 225 calories. Equivalent to a Dairy Queen BBQ beef sandwich.

6. Guinness Draught: 210 calories. Equivalent to a Dunkin' Donuts Bavarian Kreme Donut.
7. Anchor Porter: 209 calories. Equivalent to one slice of Pizza Hut thin crust cheese pizza.
8. Killarney's Red Lager: 197 calories. Equivalent to one whole cup of cooked pasta.
9. Samuel Adams Cream Stout: 195 calories. Equivalent to a Snicker's candy bar.
10. Samuel Adams Boston Lager: 180 calories. Equivalent to a cheese Krystal hamburger.
11. Guinness Extra Stout: 176 calories. Equivalent to an average chocolate cake donut.
12. Michelob Honey Lager: 175 calories. Equivalent to 1 small bag of Tangy Cheese Doritos.
13. Pete's Wicked Ale: 174 calories. Equivalent to a small order of Burger King onion rings.
14. Blue Moon: 171 calories. Equivalent to a Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme candy bar.
15. Harpoon IPA: 170 calories. Equivalent to a whole bag of chocolate Skittles.
16. Busch Ice: 169 calories: Equivalent to one full cup of white rice.
17. Heineken: 166 calories. Equivalent to a Taco Bell steak Burrito Supreme.
18. Killian's Irish Red: 163 calories. Equivalent to a Sonic extra-long Coney.
19. Molson Ice: 160 calories. Equivalent to 5 marshmallow Peeps.
20. Anheuser Busch Natural Ice: 157 calories. Equivalent to a slice of pound cake.

Trivia A: Tequila


Thursday 1/14

1:1 Work

Lift - Back Squat 3X3, Bench Press 3X3

Met Con
5 Rounds for maximum score
1 minute max reps burpees
1 minute rest
1 minute max reps Sit Ups (full range of motion!  Feet flat on ground, shoulders touch ground, follow through, touch toes)
1 minute rest
1 minute max reps squats
1 minute rest

Every rep counts as 1, the goal is to score as high as possible.


Wednesday 1/13

Rest Day

Take it easy today and read about post workout recovery food from Crossfit Football.


Whole milk serves a few different functions. It is a complete meal and is an excellent post-workout drink for recovery and muscle building. It contains protein, fat, vitamins D and K, all necessary for performance and strength gains. It is an inexpensive form of supplementation; it is full muscle building properties and is ideal for trying to build mass. On top of all the good properties, milk is cheap, easy to find, and requires no preparation, so that it can be consumed immediately.

If you are lactose intolerant (actually a quite rare condition) whey protein is an ideal choice. Many forms of whey protein are lactose-free and therefore will not cause problems for those that cannot drink whole milk.

Whey Protein is a by-product of cheese manufactured from cow's milk. It has the highest biological value of any protein, meaning that it passes through the stomach quickly and is rapidly absorbed by the intestines.  For years it has been the staple of many athletes/bodybuilders' supplement program.

Why is this particular type of protein important?

The protein fraction in whey (approximately 10% of the total dry solids within whey) comprises four major protein fractions and six minor protein fractions. The major protein fractions in whey are beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobulins. Each of these components has important body-strengthening effects thanks to:

•    A high protein efficiency ratio
o    One study showed that milk protein elicits greater increases in branched chain amino acid concentrations in peripheral tissues as compared to soy.

•    Lactose (found in whey but not whey concentrate) which is broken down into galacto-oligosaccharides that are used by intestinal bacteria leading to better functioning of the digestive tract.

•    Calcium (a minimal component of whey protein) decreases accumulation of body fat and accelerates weight and fat loss. The proposed mechanism is thought to be that parathyroid hormone and 1,25-(OH)2-D respond to low calcium diets and promote fat storage. High-calcium diets inhibit these hormones and thus inhibit fat storage and promote increased fat breakdown and energy partitioning from fat to lean.

•   Cystine: a conditionally essential amino acid, which is the rate-limiting factor for the body's production of glutathione, an important antioxidant.

•    An excellent source of branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine)
o    Leucine is a both a key signal molecule for initiation and an important substrate for new protein synthesis.

•    Its usage as a source of glutamine

•    In one study it was found that whey supplements may prevent blood sugar spikes after high-carbohydrate meals.

Why should you care? Simple: the body is highly sensitive to insulin after exercise and shuttles carbohydrates and proteins into muscle cells instead of fat cells. This sensitivity declines post-workout until ~2 hours at which point it reaches baseline. Furthermore, the anabolic effects of insulin are synergistic with amino acids. Given the rapid absorption of whey, it is the ideal choice for post-workout to take advantage of the insulin-amino acid synergistic effect. This means that whey protein is going to rebuild the damage and replenish the muscle that your body has been using up as you constantly CRUSH yourself with daily WODS. Proper post-workout nutrition reverses the catabolic state that your body is in after a tough workout, meaning that you more quickly start to make the necessary adaptations to the overload that you subject your body to in your quest to become fit.


Tuesday 1/12

Heavy Diane

Lift - Power Clean - 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

"Heavy Diane"

9-6-3 DL 315#/HSPU (hand stand push ups) on parallettes or blocks (something to raise your hands up so your head can go below hand height).

Monday 1/11

Heavy Fran

Lift - BS 3X3, BP 3X3

"Heavy Fran"

135lb Thrusters/Weighted Pull Ups 45lb (for the pull ups, hold a 45lb barbell with your feet)


Sunday 1/10

5K Jog

Active recovery day, don't go too hard, take a nice long jog for about 5K and stretch out/do some myofascial massage after.


Friday 1/8

Tabata Mix Up

Lift - Snatch Grip High Pull 3-3-3, Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3, Snatch Balance 3-3-3

Tabata intervals of Squats/Push ups.

To do this correctly, do max reps squats for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, then do max reps push ups for 20 seconds and rest 10 seconds.  Repeat 8 times, this workout should last exactly 7:50

Thursday 1/7

Run & Lift

Lift - BS 3-3-3  BP 3-3-3

Run - 4 X 200m rest 2X, 2 X 400m rest 1X, 4 X 100m rest 2X (rest 2X means rest twice the amount of time it took you to run and rest 1X means rest the same amount of time it took you to run)

New Programming Scheme for in season Rugby players, we will be switching to a 7 day cycle instead of a 4 day cycle to keep you in sync with game days.  The new cycle will be as follows:

Sun: Met Con + DL/Press

Mon: Met Con + BS

Tue: Met Con + O-Lift

Wed: Rest

Thur: Met Con + BS/BP

Fri: Met Con + Supplemental Lift (OHS/FS/etc.)

Sat: Game Day

For River City HS Rugby players, the schedule will be the same but shifted back a day for Friday games.  Note to UCD and River City HS, if we do a met con at practice, that counts so only do lifting on your own unless you feel up to some extra work, the exception being the day before game day, on those days I will have a shorter length met con.


Wednesday 1/6

Rest Day

Today we're going to look at nutrition and psychology.  For athletes, nutrition is often more than 1/2 the battle.  The quality and quantity of food you eat makes a huge difference in your on field performance.  For many of us, finding high quality foods is among our biggest challengers which is why Eat Wild is a great resource.  Eat Wild is a site that helps you find local dairy and produce of the high quality variety.  check it out and eat well!

Now on to psychology, specifically, intensity.  Intensity is something I talk about a lot.  Higher intensity training for the most part, produces better results than low intensity training.  Intensity on the field is a different story.  Every athlete has a different zone of intensity that he/she performs best at.  Below is an article which sums this up well from Winning Edge Sports Psychologists.

Gaining The Mental Edge Part II: Intensity

© Winning Edge Psychological Services, LLC

Intensity in competition is sought by athletes and desired by coaches. An intense athlete performs with purpose, single mindedness, and laser focused energy. One common misconception surrounding intensity is that there is a magical point of intensity that leads all athletes to great performances. This mistaken belief can lead coaches to giving the classic pre-game pep-talk to get the team psyched up. Unfortunately, the pre-game talk may help some athletes while annoying others. Research in the field of sport psychology has found that intensity exists at an optimal zone that is individual to each athlete. Each person has his/her level or zone of intensity where he/she performs best. Optimal intensity refers to the ideal level of physical and mental intensity that allows an athlete to perform his/her best (Taylor & Wilson, 2005).

One common reason that athletes seek out a sports psychologist is because they experience over intensity. Over intensity involves too much emotional, mental and physical energy. The athlete doubts his/her ability, focuses upon mistakes, feels nervous/anxious, feels stiff and has difficulty moving, and overall cannot perform as he/she does in practice. In essence, the overly intense athlete melts down. Although less common than over intensity, under intensity is when an athlete feels over confident, does not view a game as important, has low energy and low motivation to compete. In the under intensity scenario, the athlete may be playing down in a match or game where he/she expects to easily win. The good news is that sports psychology research has developed specific techniques to help the athlete over come both over-intensity and under-intensity.

When working with the over intense athlete, I first want the athlete to understand what is biologically happening to his/her thoughts, emotions, and body. Understanding what causes over intensity allows the athlete to understand his/her self and is the first step in regaining control. Comparison of past successful and unsuccessful performances offers initial insights into how the athlete behaves differently at different times. Together with their sports psychologist, the athlete looks for thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that lead to strong performances. Examining past performances also provides insight into what the athlete is thinking, feeling, and doing when he/she performs poorly. Armed with new knowledge about his/her performance, the athlete will develop a pre-competition routine that includes several key components. First the athlete will learn and practice the physical skills of deep breathing and muscle relaxation. The practiced skills of deep breathing and muscle relaxation allow the athlete to regain control of his/her body, which in turn stops them from fearing that he/she will lose control (of his/her thoughts, feelings, and body). Deep breathing and muscle relaxation need to become integrated into the athlete's daily practice routine.

Second, confidence skills that we discussed in Part I of Gaining The Mental Edge are integrated into the athletes daily practice routine and pre-game routine. Layering the perspective of confidence with positive thought skills directs the athlete to focused performance. Third the athlete needs to develop and then engage imagery of positive, focused, performance. Imagery often involves dipping into his/her positive image bank of past success to see and feel his/her past successes. Imagery (often called visualization) is not magical; it is a research based skill used to enhance athletic performance. The use of directed imagery before competition can help an athlete place his/her self closer to their optimal zone of intensity. Imagery will work if the athlete regularly uses imagery as part of his/her practice routine.

Fourth, athletes develop and enhance positive thought skills in order to effectively direct his/her focus. The use of positive thought skills keeps the athletes focused in the moment, reducing the possibility that his/her thoughts will drift to unproductive worry. The ability to re-direct focus during competition; remain on task and think positive is critical to optimal intensity. Finally, a sense of humor, an ability to laugh, smile and loosen up before a competition can be priceless. A coach, teammate, or family member's ability to help a tense athlete smile, and laugh can instantly shift the athlete from over-intense to a positive, relaxed and ready state.

The under intensity athlete requires a different direction of focus. Often the under intense athlete is not mentally or physically ready to take on a lesser opponent. The under intense athlete believes he/she should easily win, and underestimates the competitive task. Learning to direct focus in competition to personal goals and excellent technique helps the under intense athlete maintain focus. Directing focus to his/her technique, provides the athlete with concrete goals, and directs his/her intensity. Second, the under intense athlete needs to remember that he/she once beat higher ranked teams/players, and that every game/match matters. Consistency of performance is a developmental goal, and learning to focus intensity for every game/match is work. Intensity and consistency are mental skills that need to be practiced as much as physical skills do. Roger Federer (number one ranked men's tennis player in the world), perceives every match he plays as equally important. By maintaining this mindset, Federer is incredibly consistent and on his way to accruing a winning record that may see him become the most dominant male player in the history of tennis.

Confidence and intensity are work! No one will give them to your team or you. It is up to you as the athlete or coach to build them. Confidence and intensity are your job! Learn to build and maintain them and you will see your game rise to a new level.


Tuesday 1/5


Lift - Dead Lift 3X3

WOD - 3 rounds for time: 75 squats, 20 Pull Ups

Bonus Round!  Find out your max height box jump.  If you have access to plyo boxes get the biggest one and then start stacking plates on top, if not, use a picnic table, add sturdy stuff (dictionaries, lumber, etc.) on top until you can't jump any higher.  Pull out your measuring tape and see how high you can get.


Monday 1/4

Welcome Back to Practice!

No WOD today, just lifting

Bench Press Max Reps at 225#  or for the light guys 185#


Sunday 1/3

Sunday Chipper

Lift - 1RM  set a new PR, work up to your max squat.

Chipper 5 Rounds for time, rest exactly 3 minutes between rounds
10 Box Jumps 24"
10 Jumping Pull Ups
10 Kettlebell Swings 1 pood (sub 35lb dumbbell if no KB available)
10 Walking Lunges
10 Knees to Elbows
10 Push Press 45lb
10 Back Extensions
10 Wall Ball Shots w/20lb med ball
10 Burpees
10 Double Unders

Record your time for each round, if any round is more than a minute slower than your first, that is a 5 burpee penalty to be performed during the rest period.


Saturday 01/02

Rest Day/Letter of Intent

This Saturday is a rest day and with the new year it's a good idea to sit down and think about what your goals as an athlete are.  What do you want to accomplish and what do you need to do to get it done?  Your goal can be anything from losing some flab to winning a national championship for you rugby guys reading this (or having it read to you; front row).  Achieving your goals means committing to them completely, sticking with a good diet, never skipping training days, even when your tired/hungover/sore.  Are you mentally tough enough to get it done?  So, whatever your goals are, write them down.  Physically write them down, as soon as you do that you're beginning that commitment.  Whenever you feel like quiting or taking it easy just for one day, you can look at what you put to paper and maybe that will be the motivation you need.  Write out your letter of intent for 2010 and post it to the comments or just keep it to yourself, your choice, just do it.  Happy New Year.